Neads x Silvr

2 min

Neads is pleased to announce its partnership with Silvr, the financing solution for online sellers.

Silvr is the brainchild of two entrepreneurs, Nima and Greg, who decided to design an innovative solution to help e-merchants and marketplaces finance their advertising campaigns.


Why finance social ads campaigns?

Every online seller has to develop their exposure on social networks. This type of advertising is on the one hand much less expensive than traditional advertising, but above all, we manage to penetrate your target market by having an edge over your competitors.

Very often, e-merchants are faced with a complex funding journey. Finding funding, bank loans, and equity fundraising is very often the daily life of an entrepreneur.

Silvr helps accelerate business growth without paying a hefty price tag. It makes it possible to make repayments in proportion to sales and doesn’t involve any dilution of capital.


Why this partnership?

Neads & Silvr have a common goal: to online sellers’ growth!

Neads boosts the sales of e-merchants through advertising on social networks with powerful creations to generate purchases.

Silvr funds these ad campaigns and gets its money through the sales generate.

In addition to having a common target, we share common values ??with Silvr that bring us together:

  • Beautiful E-commerce & DNVB brands
  • Premium quality service
  • A strong and engaging promise

This is why it seemed obvious to us to make Silvr our first partner.

To find out more about