Since 2020, TikTok has continued to surprise with ever-so-spectacular numbers.
The platform has more than a billion active users and ranks second among the most downloaded applications of this year 2022.
One of its strengths is its organic algorithm that cannot be found on any other social network.
It allows you to highlight your original and authentic videos through trends , trending hashtags and sounds.
With its vertical video format in 9:16 ratio At scroll infinite, TikTok has won over consumers and content creators.
Indeed, many creators manage to generate hundreds of millions of views each month and have at the same time become real influencers.
TikTok has changed the lives of many content creators, thanks to the visibility and notoriety that the platform has brought them.
Some creators have communities of millions of followers (subscribers) and generate millions of views and likes (I love ) every month.
And who says engagement and audience, says target and opportunity for brands and advertisers.
THE brands have understood the extent of the TikTok phenomenon and more and more of them are embarking on the creation of organic content, but also through advertising campaigns on TikToks ads with creators and influencers.
Many creators are paid very well to promote a brand’s products and services.
We will see in this article 8 ways to earn and monetize TikTok that you can set up for make money on tiktok .
1) The TikTok Creator Fund
Launched in September 2020, the Creators Fund or C reator F and aims to encourage content creators to produce original and creative videos on the platform.
The goal is to compensate creators based on the performance of their videos (views, engagement) .
TikTok has invested $200 million in C reator F and with a vision of a billion dollars over 3 years.
How to get TikTok Creator Fund?
To be eligible for the TikTok Creator Fund in Europe, the creator must meet the following conditions:
- Be located in the following countries, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy
- Creator must be at least 18 years old
- Creator must have a minimum of 10,000 followers on their account
- The creator must have at least 100,000 cumulative views on their videos over the last 30 days
- Its content must be authentic and specific (no plagiarism)
- It must respect the rules and conditions of the platform
To know more about the TikTok creator fund you can read our full article.
What compensation to expect from the TikTok creator fund?
The creator fund is not very lucrative, creators who generate few views are paid a few cents for 1000 views (0.2€ to 0.4€)
Conversely, influencers generating millions of views can obtain tens of euros per video.
It’s certainly not a lot, but it’s still money to be had.
2) The TikTok Beta Program for Creation
Released in October 2022, the Creation Beta Program aims to improve financial rewards for content creators.
Somewhat disappointed and discouraged by the low monetization of C reator F and , creators now see themselves much better remunerated (far from a few euro cents)
However, new conditions must be met.
The Beta TikTok program only works for videos longer than 1 minute.
The objective of TikTok is in particular to compete with YouTube on long format video (maximum 10 minutes for a TikTok video) .
Attention : YOU can’t combine the Creator fund and the Beta TikTok program for creation at the same time.
How to get the Beta TikTok fund for creation?
To get the Beta TikTok fund for creation in Europe, you have to meet roughly the same entry requirements as the C reator F and to know :
– The creator must be located in the following countries, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy
– Creator must be at least 18 years old years
– He must have an account staff (the company account is not eligible )
– It must have at least 10,000 subscribers
– Accumulate at least 100,000 views on his videos over the last 30 days
– Its content must be of its own creation (copying and reuse of other content not belonging to it is prohibited)
– Respect the rules and conditions of the platform
What remuneration to expect from the Beta TikTok fund for the creation?
It is difficult to give the exact remuneration for this new fund of Creator.
Indeed, it depends on many factors such as:
– Video performance (not just view count)
– Not all views of a video are necessarily eligible
– It is necessary to count at least 1000 views on the video to obtain a remuneration
– Remuneration is different depending on the country and the accounts of the creators
Overall, many creators have seen revenue hovering around the 1€ for 1000 views.
Some creators generate tens of thousands of euros per month with this fund.
To know more about this Beta program for TikTok creation , you can read our detailed article.
3) Do UGC content creation for brands
TikTok UGC Compensation
The UGC or User Generated Content, corresponds to all content generated by users on the web and social networks.
UGC can take several forms such as customer reviews, photos, videos or blog posts.
The creation of UGC content has been widely developed in the USA over the past 2 years and is arriving in droves on the French market.
On TikTok, brands mainly use UGC videos in their advertising campaigns.
Because UGC is an authentic and original format that adapts perfectly to the content that we are used to seeing on TikTok.
Additionally, consumers trust people who look like them more than traditional advertising.
UGC content creators have therefore become indispensable in the TikTok strategy of brands.
UGC TikTok is therefore a good way for content creators to earn money on top of the Beta program for creation.
In addition, the advantage of UGC is that the creator does not post the content created for the brand on his personal account.
This is the brand that uses its video on a business account or in advertising.
The pay for creating UGC videos for brands can quickly become very lucrative.
Some creators earn several hundred euros each month, just with this activity.
At the house of Neads , we support our customers through a network of more than 300 UGC content creators .
Besides, if you want to collaborate with big brands, you can apply to become a UGC Content Creator .
What remuneration should be expected from the creation of UGC content?
As explained above, creating UGC TikTok content makes money by creating videos for brands.
Some creators have even made it their job and can sometimes earn several thousand euros every month (for the best creators).
The creators sometimes even benefit from products offered by the brands during the collaboration.
In general, a UGC video can bring in around a hundred euros, if you make it every month for several clients, your portfolio can quickly climb.
4) Participate in the Branded Mission TikTok format
Legacy Branded Mission TikTok Formats
In the continuity of video format UGC, TikTok offers brands to carry out named advertising campaigns Branded Assignment.
The objective is to propose the missions of the brands to the content creators (through creative briefs) in order to obtain a maximum of UGC video and thus increase the visibility and awareness of the brands.
The best UGC videos are then selected by the brand to be boosted in UGA (User Generated Advertising ) i.e. in advertising.
This allows creators to gain additional visibility and engagement on their video and account.
For their part, brands get even more visibility and sales.
But that’s not all, the best UGC videos selected by brands, benefit with sometimes very attractive remuneration.
For learn more about the format Branded Assignment , you can read our article.
What remuneration to expect from the Branded Mission?
New TikTok Branded Mission Compensation
The remuneration of the Branded Mission depends on the budget allocated by the brand.
For example for the mission proposed by KFC, the best videos could be remunerated 2000$ or more depending on their performance.
5) Set up LIVE TikTok subscription
TikTok Live Compensation
On TikTok, you can launch lives if you have at least 1000 subscribers.
THE lives build a faithful and committed community.
To strengthen the links between subscribers and the creator, TikTok has set up a LIVE subscription.
It allows to increase the earnings of content creators through a paid monthly subscription.
The benefit for followers is to get personalized badges and emotes to create a sense of community.
What remuneration to expect from the LIVE TikTok subscription?
LIVE subscription can be subscribed by subscribers in the form of diamonds.
The price of the subscription is set by the creator himself.
The diamonds can then be converted into real money, knowing that 200 diamonds are worth $1 .
6) Gifts during LIVE TikTok
Remuneration TikTok Live gifts
In addition to LIVE subscriptions, you can receive gifts during a LIVE.
Viewers can send gifts in the form of stickers that can be purchased through coins (one piece costs approx. 0.01€ ) .
Each gift has its value, from the rose to 0.01€ to the Phoenix which is worth more than 200€
Once the gifts are sent to the creators, the latter can then transform the gifts received into real money.
What remuneration to expect from LIVE TikTok giveaways?
It all depends on the number and value of gifts sent to creators.
But the more you are close and appreciated by your community, the more your subscribers will be inclined to offer you gifts naturally.
This can be an additional source of earnings for your TikTok account.
7) Sell your products or services on TikTok
It is one of the most lucrative ways to make money on TikTok.
If you create content regularly on a particular niche or expertise, it will undoubtedly attract many followers.
It will then be easier to offer them your services or products.
Let’s take the example of a designer who talks exclusively about cosmetics, beauty advice, etc…
She can very well refer her audience to her e-commerce site (by putting the link in his bio) to encourage them to order its products.
Here is a more concrete example with the star influencer Nabilla, who on her TikTok account sharing cosmetic content and referring to its e-commerce site in bio.
TikTok account of Nabilla’s cosmetics brand (Nabilla Beauty)
Another feature that allows you to sell on TikTok is the TikTok Shop.
TikTok Shop source Shopify
Only available in the USA, but which should arrive in Europe, this feature allows you to put your product catalog directly on the platform (like the Instagram shop) .
A novelty is also in the test phase, with a purchase path integrated directly into the application as in this example with the Pacsun brand.
TikTok Shop purchases source:
8) Product placements on TikTok
Many content creators and influencers are asked to do product placements on their account.
Marks target mainly creators with a strong reputation or who are specialized in the theme of their brand.
Product placement can be very effective in making money on TikTok.
It is not mandatory to have hundreds of thousands of subscribers to make product placements.
The goal is to have an engaged community around a topic or niche so that you can then make product placements that match your content.