How TikTok is influencing music and emerging artists

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
8 min

Remember Lil Nas X’s ” Old Town Road ” phenomenon? It was thanks to the challenge on TikTok that this song became one of the biggest hits of recent years. In just a few weeks, thanks to the “Yee Yee Juice Challenge,” the song conquered the entire world via the app.

No more imposed radio stations and playlists. The social network of the Chinese company ByteDance has shaken up the codes of the music industry . Thanks to the platform’s intelligent algorithms, each user is free to create their own playlists and discover new artists via their TikTok account . And that’s not all! Songs that go viral on TikTok are wildly successful in music streaming and sales. They quickly find themselves at the top of the music charts. This influence of TikTok on music discovery has opened new doors for a large number of emerging artists. How does TikTok influence current music? How does the application allow artists to promote their music in this evolving musical landscape ? What are the advantages and challenges for independent musicians? Our TikTok influence agency lifts the veil on the behind the scenes of this phenomenon.

TikTok, a springboard for emerging artists

Thanks to the virality of audio on TikTok , the short-form video sharing platform has become a slingshot for emerging talent. The app has revolutionized the way we discover new artists. Nearly 80% of users discover new stars on it, transforming TikTok into a digital communication tool for up-and-coming musicians.

TikTok, a new music ecosystem

TikTok has given birth to a dynamic sharing ecosystem where music is at the heart of the interaction between artists, Internet users and labels. The platform now allows talents from all backgrounds to be heard and to broadcast their music on streaming platforms such as Universal Music Group NV, Spotify and Apple Music . In just a few years, the application has become a key player in the music industry . Artists have understood this and now use it as an essential promotional tool. But beyond the commercial aspect, TikTok offers a unique experience to users. Every day, they can discover new gems and participate in creating trends.

From viral challenges to global hits: How TikTok is exploding careers

How can we explain such enthusiasm? Everything goes through simple but effective mechanisms: challenges and trends. These phenomena, created by subscribers themselves, allow songs to spread like wildfire. In a few days, a song can go from anonymity to a global success. Artists, by appropriating these trends, gain visibility and create a community of engaged fans. This is the case, for example, of Olivia Rodrigo, Erica Banks and many others, who have seen their careers take off through TikTok. Beyond these resounding successes, many lesser-known musical voices take advantage of the platform to get noticed. Savage Gasp, for example, saw one of his tracks, “Tunnel of Love”, generate millions of listens.

Musical virality on TikTok: when users make hits

Designed to personalize the user experience (UX), TikTok’s algorithm highlights content that is likely to interest its followers. When combined with their creativity, it creates a virtuous cycle that propels unknown tracks to the top of the charts.

How to Go Viral on TikTok : The Secrets

It all starts with a video: a user creates a short clip, often dancing or miming to a song. If this post appeals to other followers, it will be shared massively, thus triggering a chain reaction. The more it is liked, commented on and shared, the more likely it is to be seen by a wider audience . From then on, thousands, if not millions, of people take up the same concept, creating a buzz on the platform. By using the best TikTok hashtags , creators can significantly increase their reach.

Music content creators, real TikTok trendsetters

Are you wondering who these digital magicians are who make the official rankings tremble at the tips of their fingers? They are the influencers, these web personalities who, thanks to their charisma and creativity, shape the trends and behaviors of millions of Internet users. They are the ones who:

  • set trends;
  • create the craziest challenges;
  • set the tone for millions of fans.

When a popular influencer uses a song in one of their videos, it gives a huge boost to its circulation.

The Benefits of Going Viral on TikTok for Artists

The platform offers a series of unique benefits that can propel musicians’ careers with ease.

  • Massive and rapid exposure: in a matter of days, a song can reach millions of followers.
  • A young and engaged audience: TikTok is particularly popular with young people (generation Z), which allows it to create a solid and loyal fanbase.
  • New life for old songs: Forgotten tracks can experience a resurgence in popularity thanks to TikTok challenges and trends.

Artists who are coming back into fashion

TikTok isn’t just a hotbed for new talent. The Chinese platform also has the ability to breathe new life into forgotten songs. A song that was released several years ago can suddenly experience a resurgence in popularity thanks to a duet or a trend started by a user.

Bringing old classics back to life

While the platform is a great springboard for budding artists, it’s also a powerful tool for reviving dormant careers. Sounds that seemed destined to be forgotten have suddenly found a new lease on life thanks to the TikTok app . Take K Camp, for example. After experiencing some success in 2015, his fame had gradually eroded. However, with the advent of TikTok, the artist has regained popularity. He found a new lease on life thanks to his song “Lottery,” which went viral on the platform. The success of this song allowed him to negotiate new terms, particularly in terms of promotion and radio airplay. K Camp is just one example of the thousands of artists who have seen their careers revived thanks to TikTok. “Running Up That Hill” by Kate Bush, “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey, “La boulette” by Diam’s, “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac , these are some old songs that have experienced an unexpected resurrection on the platform.

How can we explain this phenomenon?

TikTok gives singers unparalleled visibility and allows users to rediscover classics. But how does it work?

  • Nostalgia: Often, songs that go viral on TikTok evoke memories for people. They like to rediscover the sounds of their youth and share them with their friends.
  • The group effect: When several people make the same video to the same song, it creates a sense of belonging and encourages other subscribers to participate.
  • Creativity: TikTok content creators are finding new ways to use these old songs. They personalize their videos by adding their own twist to breathe new life into these songs.

It’s a true innovative co-creation: artists propose the basics, TikTok users divert them, remix them and make them evolve. This interaction between creators and their audience gives birth to new forms of musical expression, shorter, more impactful, and more participatory.

TikTok: success, but at what cost?

Launched in 2019, TikTok Spotlight promised to be a career catalyst for independent musicians. By showcasing their creations and connecting them with labels, the Chinese app seemed to offer a golden opportunity. But this enticing promise hides a more complex reality. While some singers have indeed found meteoric success thanks to TikTok, the question of copyright remains. In concrete terms, the platform encourages users to create videos using excerpts from popular music . However, it does not guarantee fair compensation for the artists concerned.

An economic model that raises questions

The social network thrives on the creativity of artists, but it doesn’t always seem able to compensate them for their contributions. The Spotlight program, while interesting on paper, doesn’t fundamentally solve the problem. Musicians who don’t go viral don’t get paid. Even those who find success on TikTok can feel exploited.

Unlike YouTube or Instagram, TikTok has not implemented effective mechanisms to protect copyright. This legal loophole allows the Chinese company to profit from the work of music creators on TikTok . Unfortunately, this situation increases the precariousness of artists, who see their work exploited without being fairly compensated. Many creators find themselves unable to make a living from their art because of these practices.

A lack of transparency

For its part, the platform lacks transparency in how it remunerates rights holders. Remuneration mechanisms are often opaque, which arouses distrust among artists and record companies. This situation raises delicate ethical questions. Is it fair to get rich on the backs of others’ work without paying them fair compensation? Doesn’t this practice risk slowing down artistic creation?

TikTok has a social responsibility. As an influential platform, it must put in place effective mechanisms to protect copyright and ensure fair compensation for artists. Unlike YouTube, which has implemented Content ID systems to detect copyrighted content, TikTok seems to be dragging its feet on this issue. This difference in treatment is difficult to justify. While the application has the power to launch careers, it also raises many ethical and legal questions. It is urgent to find a balance between the interests of platforms, composers and users. Need to get your brand off the ground on social networks like TikTok? Our Neads agency offers you a tailor-made Social Media strategy to optimize your return on investment.

Nathan Elmaleh
Par Nathan Elmaleh Fondateur et CEO de Neads. J’accompagne les marques dans leur développement sur TikTok grâce à une approche complète allant de la création de contenu à l’influence en passant par la publicité. Si vous voulez faire de TikTok un canal d’acquisition performant pour votre marque, Neads est l'agence TikTok N°1 certifiée TikTok Creative Partner.