In Feed Ads TikTok: The best format to launch your brand

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
8 min

Today advertising on TikTok is an integral part of brands’ digital strategies.

With a platform that has more than a billion active users worldwide, more and more brands and advertisers are getting started.

According hubspot , 65% of marketers use advertising on TikTok.

It would even be the 2nd most efficient video platform in terms of ROI (return on investment) behind Youtube.

Indeed, TikTok is one of the most engaging social networks on the market.

With its unique vertical video format, the platform quickly won over users, especially young people and Generation Z.

A study by Kantar shows that 67% of users are captivated by the advertising they see. That’s 10% more than all other social media.

Finally, advertising videos featuring content creators obtain engagement rates above 93%.

Regarding the advertising format In Feed Ads TikTok , this format obtains a detailed memory 23% higher than TV advertising.


What is the In Feed Ads TikTok format?

The TikTok Ads advertising platform offers many advertising formats:

All these formats have very specific objectives according to the needs of advertisers.

Moreover, all of these formats are not accessible by default for all advertisers.

You have to make a request beforehand to TikTok or go directly through an agency like Neads, which is in constant contact with the TikTok teams.

The format In Feed Ads TikTok is the default format available to all advertisers on the Ads Manager.

These are native advertisements that appear in the tab “ For you ” in the same way as the organic videos of users.

The In Feed TikTok Ads format engages consumers between 4-5 organic videos.

This is the format that offers the most flexibility to advertisers for their campaigns.


In Feed Ads TikTok: How does it work?

The In Feed Ads format

The format In Feed Ads consists of advertising videos ranging from 5 to 60 seconds even though TikTok recommends a duration between 21 and 34 seconds.

This ad format is only visible from the page feed “ For you ” users.

Advertising videos have a CTA (Call To Action) or button that redirects either to a landing page , a shop online, an app, or a TikTok account.

The In Feed Ads ad is particularly powerful since it integrates perfectly between organic videos.

Indeed, by using video creations that adapt to the codes of the platform, the advertisements blend into the decor.

They are all the more effective when brands and advertisers use UGC format .


Why use UGC videos for your In Feed Ads campaigns?

UGC Or User Generated Content , brings together all the content generated by users on the web.

This may include photos, videos, blog posts, customer reviews or comments.

TikTok being a very authentic video application, users share their experiences, advice, tutorials, etc.

Today, nearly 83% of users have already posted a video on the platform.

Brands have understood this, to sell on TikTok, you have to be authentic and original.

Traditional advertising no longer has an effect, especially with young targets.

Use UGC for your campaigns In Feed Ads TikTok is therefore a necessity if you want to perform.

Additionally, 94% of TikTok users would rather trust content posted by third-party users than content posted by the brand.

Finally, 4 out of 5 consumers buy products that have been recommended to them.


Technical characteristics of the In Feed Ads format

Here are the detailed characteristics of the In Feed Ads format (for non-spark) communicated by TikTok.

  • Vertical (recommended): 9:16, 540×960 pixel
  • Horizontal: 16:9, 960×540 pixel
  • Square: 1:1, 640×640 pixel
  • Supported format: .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp .avi
  • Video length: 5-60s, 21-34s recommended.
  • File size: 500 MB
  • Bit rate: 516kbps


The Top Feed Format

The Top Feed format is a similar format to the In Feed Ads with one exception.

This is the first ad that will be visible to users in the page’s feed. For you ”.

The Top Feed format is not available for all advertisers (only for accounts with a larger or smaller budget).

Here’s how to set up a Top Feed TikTok ad:

  1. Create your ad campaign
  2. In your campaign objective, select in purchase type “ range and frequency
  3. Create your ad group
  4. In contextual targeting, choose the feed type
  5. Select stream “ Top Feed
  6. You can then define the distribution range of your ads in Top Feed


The In Feed to Live Format

Another format is available for the TikTok Feed, it is the In Feed to live.

It allows you to promote your live and attract traffic to it.

There are 2 formats for In Feed to live:

  • Sponsor a video a Spark Ads promoting your live stream with a CTA that links to your live stream when available
  • Promote the live in real time (advertising will start at the start of the live and end at the end of the live)

The advantage of this advertising format is to benefit from guaranteed impressions that bring you traffic, but also to promote engaging content in real time.


In Feed TikTok: Spark Ads vs Non-Spark

In Feed ads can be used in two different ways, as Spark or Dark Ads (non-spark).

To put it simply, Spark Ads allows you to sponsor an organic video already posted on the platform.

In Feed Spark Ads

Example of Spark Ads created for the Spring brand

You can use your own videos or use videos from other users in general these are videos from content creators (you must of course have their Spark Ads code).

To learn more about this very authentic format, you can read our Spark Ads guide .

In Feed Ads

Example of Dark Ads created for the Pin Up Secret brand

Dark Ads, on the other hand, uses advertising videos directly imported from the advertising manager that have never been published organically.


How to create an In Feed Ads TikTok advertisement?

As explained above, the default ad format in the ad manager is In Feed Ads.

To use other formats, you have to make requests to TikTok or go through an agency.

To set up an In Feed campaign, here are the different steps:

  • Create a campaign and set your goals
  • Configure your ad groups and targeting
  • Add your video creations

It’s good, your videos will be launched on the TikTok Feed.


If you want to go even further you can follow our TikTok Ads guide step by step.


Advertising objectives

You can choose different advertising objectives for the format In Feed Ads .

  • reach : This objective allows you to reach a large audience to reach as many people as possible
  • Traffic : As its name suggests, it allows you to generate traffic to a website or an application
  • Video views : Helps increase views and get more engagement on your videos
  • Lead generation : This objective allows you to collect user data and generate leads via an instant form
  • Interaction : This objective allows in particular to obtain more subscribers and views on his profile.
  • Promoting an app : You want to get more downloads for your application, this is the goal you should definitely choose
  • Conversion : This is undoubtedly the objective most used by advertisers to generate conversions on their website.


Advertising targeting

You have many targeting options available on TikTok Ads:

  • Demographics : age, sex, language, country
  • Devices and operating systems : IOS , Android
  • Centers of interest : clothes, games, food…
  • Behavioral data : Leisure, Sports, Fashion, Culture, Lifestyle…
  • Your Custom Audiences : Looklike, customer database
  • Targeting by hashtag


How much should you invest in your TikTok Ads campaign?

On TikTok, as on any social network, the more you spend, the higher your visibility will be. However, TikTok is a social network that needs data to be able to function and find buyers.

The best way to help the algorithm out of the learning phase is to dedicate a significant budget to each ad group. The higher it is, the faster you will get out of the learning phase.

This requires making about 50 conversions in less than 15 days so that the algorithm can identify potential buyers more easily. Subsequently, and once this learning phase is over, it is possible to gradually lower the budgets to get closer to your target ROAS, or to increase them gradually to multiply your number of transactions.

Our recommendation to get you started is to communicate during one of your highlights and start your TikTok campaign by highlighting an offer. For example, a brand in the well-being and sports sector has every interest in starting to communicate via TikTok Ads in January to talk about good resolutions and offer a promo code in its advertisements offering a discount for any first order. .

Thus, the combination of seasonality and the commercial discount will allow the algorithm to find buyers even more quickly and quickly get out of the learning phase.

In terms of amount, it is possible to communicate on the platform from €20 per day and per ad group.

Nevertheless, and for optimal results, it is better not to go below the 50 €/d mark.


You want to launch your campaigns on TikTok Ads ?

Neads accompanies you in the implementation of your creative and advertising strategy.

Nathan Elmaleh
By Nathan Elmaleh Founder and CEO of Neads. I support brands in their development on TikTok thanks to a complete approach ranging from content creation to influence through advertising. If you want to make TikTok a successful acquisition channel for your brand, Neads is the TikTok agency No. 1 TikTok certified Creative Partner.