2024 Guide: Facebook Ads Advertising Formats

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
8 min

Facebook is the most used social network in the world. With more than 3 billion monthly active users at the end of Q4 2023 , Facebook allows brands to increase their awareness, visibility and sales. Its advertising network “Facebook Ads” helps you convert your prospects into customers. But what are the advertising formats to favor on Facebook Ads? How to maximize the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns? The point in our article!


What is Facebook Ads?

Since its inception in 2004, Facebook has remained the world’s number 1 social network with the most active users. Facebook Ads is developed by Meta (Facebook’s parent company), which allows businesses of all sizes to promote their products and services on Facebook as well as Instagram (with Instagram Ads ), Messenger, and other affiliated apps. Facebook Ads works on an auction system. Advertisers simply set their budget (per day, per interaction, per thousand impressions, etc.) and create their campaigns based on their goals.


The benefits of Facebook Ads advertising for brands

Advertising on Facebook Ads has many benefits for brands looking to increase their visibility and achieve their business goals.

Massive use

Far from being outdated, Facebook remains a platform of choice for brands looking to develop their online visibility. According to Hootsuite’s Digital Trends report, the social network has more than 2.93 billion monthly active users in 2024. In France, nearly 40 million Internet users use it each month, with nearly 75% of French people over 2 years old. In addition, the platform welcomes a more or less aging audience, with more than 58% of its users over 25 years old. Nevertheless, users spend an average of 34 minutes per day on it.

Impact on purchasing decisions

Facebook Ads influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. In fact, 58% of buyers use Facebook in the purchasing journey.

Precise targeting

With the massive amount of data collected from users, Facebook Ads algorithm allows advertisers to reach their audience based on their interests, behavior, demographics, location, and interactions. Note that using User Generated Content (UGC) in your ads improves user engagement.

Performance measurement

Facebook Ads provides detailed analytics tools that allow you to measure the performance of your Facebook Ads campaign in real time. This immediate feedback allows them to optimize their campaigns, adjust their strategies and ensure the best possible return on investment.


The different advertising objectives on Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads offers you different advertising objectives, designed to meet your marketing needs. These objectives are categorized into three main categories: awareness, consideration, and conversion. The goal? Supporting Internet users in their customer journey!

  • Awareness : Awareness goals aim to generate interest in your products and services and expand your brand reach. This will help you reach a large number of people online.
  • Traffic : This objective is used to generate traffic to your website or mobile application. If you are organizing a flash sale, this objective will allow you to increase traffic to the destination of your choice (online store, site, application)
  • Interactions : They encourage users to interact with your content by prompting them to like, comment or share your posts
  • Prospects : if, for example, you want your potential customers to sign up for your newsletter, this objective will be useful to target only those Internet users interested in your brand.
  • App promotion : The goal is to encourage people to use your mobile app or take actions on it (like testing new features)
  • Sales : This objective aims to encourage users to make a purchase



Facebook Ads formats available in 2024

Facebook Ads offers a variety of ad formats to meet every brand’s needs:

  • Image : This format allows you to display an image accompanied by text and a call to action to attract users’ attention.
  • Video : Video ads provide a more immersive experience. They can be used to tell a story, communicate about your products or services
  • Carousel : This format allows you to display up to 10 images or videos in a single ad. It is perfect for highlighting multiple products or detailing the features of your services.
  • Collection : Collection ads combine a video or large image with product thumbnails below. This format is ideal for promoting your e-commerce business and doing bottom-of-funnel retargeting.

Just like Instagram Ads formats , each Facebook Ads format must be adapted to its placement.



The Facebook News Feed

These ads appear directly in users’ news feed. Goals : This is a placement that is suitable for almost any goal (improving brand awareness, boosting engagement (comments, shares, likes), website clicks, conversions, video views, lead generation and more).   Here are the recommended technical characteristics.

For image advertisements

Facebook thread image

Image ad in the Facebook feed made by the Myprotein brand


  • Image type : PNG or JPG
  • Aspect ratio : 1.91:1 to 4:5
  • Resolution : minimum 1080 x 1080 pixels, to maintain good quality on all devices
  • Number of characters in the advertisement description : maximum 125 characters
  • CTA (Call To Action) : Yes, different CTAs can be added depending on the objective of your campaign


For video ads

Facebook video thread

Video ad in the Facebook feed made by Citygo


  • Video file type : MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Video format : 4:5 for mobile or 1:1 (for desktop and mobile)
  • Resolution : at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Duration : between 1 second and 241 minutes maximum
  • Number of characters in the advertisement description : 125 characters


Facebook Feed Carousel

Carousel ad in the Facebook feed made by The Kooples


  • Image file type : PNG or JPG
  • Video file type : GIF, MOV or MP4
  • Format : 1:1
  • Resolution : 1080 x 1080 pixels minimum
  • Number of characters : 125 characters for the main text and 18 characters for the description
  • URL : It is mandatory to mention the URL of the destination page


For Ads Collection

Facebook Thread Collection

Collection announcement in the Facebook feed made by Versace  The collection format in the Facebook news feed makes it easier to discover and purchase products (by integrating your catalog).

  • Image file type : JPG or PNG
  • Video file type : MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Format : 1:1
  • Resolution : 1080 x 1080 pixels minimum
  • Number of characters : 125 characters for the main text and 40 characters for the title
  • Landing Page URL : Required



The stories

These ads are displayed between each story viewed by users. Objectives : increase brand awareness, generate traffic and sales.   Here are the recommended technical characteristics.

For the stories images

Stories image

Announcement stories image made by Wethenew


  • Image type : PNG or JPG
  • Aspect ratio : 9:16 (vertical images), to fill the entire screen or 1.91:1
  • Duration : 5 seconds
  • Resolution : Minimum 1080 x 1080 pixels, ideally 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • CTA : yes, but they are often in the form of a swipe-up


For video stories

Video stories

Announcement stories video produced by Projet X Paris


  • Video file type : MP4 or MOV
  • Video format : 9:16 and 4:5 to 1.91:1
  • Size : 4 GB max
  • Duration : 1 to 60 seconds

Note that subtitles are not available and you must embed them into your video file.


The Reels

This placement allows you to display your ads as short, engaging videos. Reels are suitable for creative content that quickly captures attention. Objectives : Perfect for increasing brand awareness, increasing engagement, and driving product discovery.   Here are the recommended technical characteristics.

Reels image

Announcement reels image made by Lancôme


  • Image type : PNG or JPG
  • Aspect ratio : 9:16 (vertical images), to fill the entire screen
  • Resolution : Minimum 1080 x 1080 pixels, ideally 1080 x 1920 pixels


For Video Reels

Reels video

Announcement reels video made by Typology


  • File type : MP4
  • Format : 9:16 for full screen display
  • Resolution : 1080p minimum and prefer 4K quality
  • Duration : no time limit
  • CTA available : yes, tailored to the desired action


For the Reels Collection

Reels Collection

Reels collection announcement made by Galeries Lafayette


  • Image file type : JPG or PNG
  • Video file type : MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Format : 9:16 to 1:1
  • Resolution : 1080 x 1080 pixels minimum
  • Number of characters : 72 characters for the main text and 10 characters for the title
  • Landing Page URL : Required



How to advertise on Facebook Ads?

The Facebook Ads Manager system is structured into three main levels that allow you to organize your advertising campaigns.

  • Campaigns : When creating a campaign, you choose your advertising objective, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or driving conversions. This objective determines what ad formats you’ll see and how your ad performance will be measured.
  • Ad groups : Each ad group requires a budget and schedule. This is where you’ll define and segment your audience to better personalize your messages and optimize your budget.
  • Ads : Each ad group can contain multiple ads, which can vary in format – images, videos, carousels – and content. This allows you to test different creative approaches and do A/B testing, to see what resonates best with your target audience.

Not easy to find your way around? Neads is the Facebook Ads agency that guarantees you professional support. With a large network of more than 500 UGC creators and a team of certified consultants, you ensure the success of your campaigns!

Nathan Elmaleh
Par Nathan Elmaleh Fondateur et CEO de Neads. J’accompagne les marques dans leur développement sur TikTok grâce à une approche complète allant de la création de contenu à l’influence en passant par la publicité. Si vous voulez faire de TikTok un canal d’acquisition performant pour votre marque, Neads est l'agence TikTok N°1 certifiée TikTok Creative Partner.