Amazon Influencer Program: An Opportunity for TikTok Creators

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
9 min

Have you always dreamed of creating your own online store and promoting your favorite products? If you are an influencer, the Amazon Influencer program will be the perfect opportunity to turn your passion into a profitable business.

By joining this new Amazon Partner Program , you will be able to generate income through commissions on sales made via the link to your page . It’s easy, effective, and fully tailored to your brand image. Curious to know more? Discover how using social networks such as TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter can help you earn money through the Amazon Influencer service.

Amazon influencer: a new way to monetize your content

For example, let’s say you’re a fitness influencer. With the Amazon Influencer program , you could feature your favorite supplements, yoga mat, or fitness smartwatch on your Amazon store.

What is the Amazon Influencer Program ?

Amazon Influencer is an affiliate program for influencers of all kinds who want to create their own storefront on the world’s largest marketplace. The system is simple. Add an affiliate link to your content to direct your audience to the products they love. A share of every purchase made through your Amazon storefront link will earn you money. It’s like having your own e-commerce website , without the hassle of inventory management.

Why join Amazon Influencer Program ?

By becoming a brand ambassador on Amazon, you benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Monetizing your influence: turn your passion into income with sales commissions.
  • Create your own Amazon page : personalize your space and present your favorite products to your community.
  • Increased visibility: Your personalized store is highlighted to millions of shoppers.
  • Engaged community: Strengthen your relationship with your subscribers by offering them tailored recommendations.

And that’s not all! Amazon influencers have access to performance tracking tools and dedicated support to optimize their business.

How to apply for the Amazon Influencer program ?

There are a few criteria you must meet to be eligible and receive the benefits of the Amazon Influencer program .

Who can become an Amazon influencer ?

Anyone who is a content creator and has an engaged community can apply. To join the program, simply:

  • Be active on the network: no matter your theme, you must have an engaged community on at least one social network such as YouTube, TikTok, X (ex Twitter), etc.
  • Have quality content: your publications (articles, photos, videos) must be relevant, original and interesting for your target audience.
  • Comply with Amazon’s Terms of Service: You must commit to following the program rules and promoting products transparently.

Good to know: If you use Instagram or Facebook, your profile will need to be upgraded to Pro mode. Amazon will evaluate your profile based on a variety of criteria, including the number of followers and their engagement with your posts.

Registration: get started in just a few clicks

How to register for the program? Follow these few steps:

  • Create your profile: go directly to and click on “Get Started”.
  • Connect your social networks: link your Amazon account to that of your favorite platform (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or TikTok).
  • Complete your profile: provide the requested information about you and your influencer activity.
  • Wait for validation: Amazon will review your application and notify you of its decision within a few days or weeks.
  • Customize your sales page: Once accepted, log in to Associates Central and create your own storefront on Amazon.

If you have an active community, don’t hesitate to apply! The goal is to recommend to your subscribers products that you use and appreciate. You will be able to easily monetize your content while helping them make the best choices.

How to create your personalized online store ?

Your Amazon Influencer store isn’t just a list of products. It’s your personalized space, a reflection of your world and expertise.

The essential elements of a successful store

To strengthen your credibility, build loyalty in your community and earn money, it is best to create your influencer page with the greatest care:

  • A personalized URL : offer your community direct access to your product selection thanks to a personalized web address.
  • A strong visual identity: your profile picture and bio are your calling card. Make it a space where your personality shines!
  • Thematic lists: group your products by theme (travel essentials, Christmas gifts, cooking and gastronomy, etc.) or by category (beauty, fashion, home, etc.) to make it easier for your subscribers to browse.
  • Impactful visuals: photos are essential to showcase your products. Choose quality, aesthetic images that make you want to click.
  • Engaging videos: Videos are a great way to showcase your products in action and connect with your audience. Amazon Live even lets you broadcast live videos to answer questions from your followers.

How to create your store?

It’s easy! Once your application is accepted, go to your Associates Central account and click on “Storefront”. You will then be able to customize your store using an intuitive editor:

  • Add your favorite products.
  • Create lists.
  • Customize the look of your store…

The possibilities are endless! The best part? You can modify your showcase as you wish to adapt it to your desires and new features.

TikTok Creator: How to Benefit from the Amazon Influencer Program ?

You’ve joined the Amazon Influencer program and want to maximize your visibility on TikTok? Good news! But how do you stand out on this platform where trends evolve at the speed of light?

Be unique, but in tune with the times

Here are some keys to creating content that rocks:

  • Ideal length: Short videos, between 10 and 20 seconds, are king on TikTok. It’s in a few seconds that we remember the essentials.
  • Trending Music: Integrate the most popular sounds of the moment into your videos. It’s a quick and effective way to reach a new audience.
  • Targeted hashtags: Select 1-3 relevant and widely used hashtags to improve your visibility in search results and expand your community.
  • Clear and concise text: Use subtitles and short, punchy texts to convey your message.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Encourage your audience to like, comment, and share your video.

Example: If you are a lifestyle influencer, you can create a TikTok video where you present the 5 Amazon Prime Video series, perfect for relaxing on a weekend. Use trendy music, dynamic transitions and add affiliate links in your bio so that your followers subscribe directly to Prime Video .

Join the dance: take part in TikTok challenges

TikTok is like a big party where everyone is invited to dance. To be seen and heard, you have to participate! Challenges Challenges are the beating heart of the platform. You have fun! It’s a way to express yourself and have a good time.

How to make the most of challenges?

  • Be responsive.
  • Adapt the challenge to your world.
  • Use the right hashtags.

And what about duets and collages?

These features are incredible growth accelerators. By creating a duet or collage with another creator, you:

  • Benefit from its audience.
  • Create interesting collaborations.
  • Improve your engagement.

Let’s say you’re a cooking enthusiast. By collaborating with a famous chef to reproduce one of his recipes, you’re offering your subscribers (potential customers) exclusive, quality content.

Be the heart of the TikTok community

TikTok is not just a platform where you post videos. It is a social network that requires a minimum of regularity. To prosper, you have to be present, active and give your opinion as often as possible.

Interact with others

Like, comment, share other creators’ videos. Not only will you show your support, but you will also create connections and make new friends. As on other social platforms, interaction is essential. So respond to comments. Dedicate yourself to interacting with your followers to show them that you appreciate them and that you are listening to them.

Beware of shortcuts!

There are many tools that promise to automate your interactions on TikTok. Avoid them! TikTok’s algorithm is quick to detect artificial behavior and can penalize your account. It’s better to dedicate a few minutes each day to join in on ongoing discussions and share your point of view.

Hit your target at the right time: the importance of timing

You’ve created a great video, but if it’s posted at the wrong time, it might go unnoticed. Timing is everything!

Why is time slot important?

Because by posting when your audience is most active, you significantly increase your chances of being seen. People are more likely to like, comment, and share your videos when they discover them in real time.

How to find the best time to post?

TikTok provides you with tools to track the performance of your videos. Analyze your statistics to see when your videos are most successful. Consider trends that generate a spike in activity at certain times of the day. Don’t forget to study your audience by asking yourself the right questions:

  • What time are they usually online?
  • Which days of the week are the most active?

Timing is an important part of your TikTok strategy. Posting at the right time will maximize your visibility and engagement.

Consistency, a guarantee of success

On TikTok, consistency is king. Users like to discover new posts regularly. Why schedule?

  • Gain efficiency: prepare your videos in advance and schedule their publication.
  • Consistency: Make sure your post is published at strategic times.
  • Peace of mind: Never worry about forgetting to post again.

To help you maintain a steady publishing pace, you can use scheduling tools like Later or Preview. Be careful: scheduling should not replace creation. These tools help you organize your content, but it’s your ideas and creativity that will make the difference.

Always be on the lookout for new developments

Competitive intelligence is essential on social media. To stay competitive on TikTok, you need to be on the lookout for the latest trends.

Why is this important?

By following TikTok trends, you will be able to:

  • Quickly create content that will be seen by many users.
  • Get inspired by other creators to develop original ideas.
  • Optimize your strategy and gain in productivity.

How to stay informed?

  • Keep a close eye on your peers’ activities.
  • Identify which posts generate the most engagement.

This monitoring will allow you to adjust your content strategy and position yourself as a key player in your sector. Do you want to optimize your digital presence and gain in productivity? Our TikTok influence agency provides you with a team of social media experts to support you from A to Z in the accomplishment of your project.

Nathan Elmaleh
Par Nathan Elmaleh Fondateur et CEO de Neads. J’accompagne les marques dans leur développement sur TikTok grâce à une approche complète allant de la création de contenu à l’influence en passant par la publicité. Si vous voulez faire de TikTok un canal d’acquisition performant pour votre marque, Neads est l'agence TikTok N°1 certifiée TikTok Creative Partner.