Snapchat advertising: how to advertise on Snapchat in 2023?

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
7 min

Snapchat has become a very popular medium for consumers, especially among young people and GenZ.

Indeed, young people today have abandoned Facebook to spend more time on Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok.

The platform has 347 million active users worldwide.

Snapchat is a social network that is still fairly new and offers new and creative advertising opportunities for advertisers.


Why advertise on Snapchat?

Snapchat is the most suitable social platform for brands that want to reach young and old .

The social network has 18 million active users per month in France, 59% of whom are between 13 and 24 years old.

The average age of users is still 25 years old.

On the audience side, France would be the 3rd audience in the world behind India and the USA.

Note that 6 million French users who use Snapchat are not present on Instagram.

And 10 million people in France go to Snap every day without going to TikTok.

An audience exclusive to the platform which must be exploited by advertisers.

User engagement is excellent, with Snapchatters opening the app an average of 30 times per day and spending at least 30 minutes per day.

Snapchat therefore represents real potential for advertisers and brands wishing to integrate Snapchat Ads into their marketing strategy.

4 in 10 Snapchatters say they discovered a brand through influencers and creators on Snapchat.

Snapchat Ads is still little used by marketers, only 5% of them use it in B2C and 3% for B2B.

They prefer to prioritize Instagram Ads , Facebook Ads or TikTok Ads .

This allows for much lower CPMs.

Snapchat Ads therefore opens up many opportunities for advertisers and a certain competitive advantage.


What are the ad formats on Snapchat ads ?

Snapchat Ads is the advertising network of Snapchat.

It offers many formats for advertisers and brands.

Each type of advertisement has its usefulness and purpose.

It is therefore up to you to choose the advertising format that best suits your communication and your objectives.


The Snap Ad format

Snap Ads are advertising videos or images that appear between 2 stories when the user swipes.

Snap Ads include buttons at the bottom, a swipe up then takes you to the brand’s landing page.

Placement: Ad Between Stories

Format: Videos or images 9:16

Resolution: 1080px x 1920px

Duration: 3 to 180 seconds

Redirections: Website, application, long format video or Lens


Story Ad format

Story Ads

Story Ads are advertisements displayed at the thumbnail level of the section discover .

Each thumbnail can contain up to 20 ads (images or videos)

Like Snap Ads, Story Ads have buttons.

Placement: Discover tab

Format: Videos or images 9:16

Resolution: 1080px x 1920px

Duration: 3 to 180 seconds

Redirections: Website, application, long format video or Lens


The Collection Ads format

Ads collections are particularly effective advertisements for e-commerce.

The principle is simple, the advertisement consists of an advertising video accompanied by several product thumbnails.

Snapchatters can then click on the thumbnails for more product information and potentially make a purchase.

Placement: Between Stories

Format: Videos or images 9:16

Resolution: 1080px x 1920px

Duration: 3 to 180 seconds

Redirections: Website, application, long format video or Lens


The Dynamics Ads Format

Dynamics Ads are formats that allow you to display your products directly to users between stories.

An image of the product, along with its title and price are visible to users.

They can then swipe up for more product information.

Thanks to the import of your catalog, this advertising format can be very useful, especially for retargeting visitors to your site.

In addition, the prices in promotions are displayed directly in the advertisement with a crossed out price.


The commercial ads format

There are two types of trading ads .

THE business ads classics are 3-6 second commercials that cannot be skipped.

The commercial ads Extended Play have a duration of 7 to 180 seconds and cannot be skipped for 6 seconds either.

Placement : Between THE stories

Size: Videos Or pictures 9:16

Resolution : 1080 px x 1920 px

Duration : 7 to 180 seconds

Redirects: Site internet, video long size or Lens


The Lens experience format

Lenses allow a unique experience thanks to augmented reality.

It is a powerful tool to bring brands closer to consumers.

You can create your own in a few minutes thanks to the platform Lens Web Builder .


The Filter Ads format

Ads filters are, as their name suggests, advertising filters specifically designed by brands.

They can be used by users based on their location, when visiting neighborhoods, restaurants or during parties or events.

Resolution: 1080px x 2340px


The First Commercial Placement

First Commercials are advertisements displayed at the thumbnail level of the discover section.

The advantage of this placement is that your ads will appear as soon as the thumbnail is opened and will be given priority over other advertisers.

Your advertisement will therefore be the first to be seen.

Another benefit, the first commercial is an unskippable advertisement for the first 6 seconds.

Placement: Discover tab

Format: Videos or images 9:16

Resolution: 1080px x 1920px

Duration: 3 to 180 seconds

Redirections: Website, application, long format video or Lens

To know more about the format Snapchat First Commercial , read our detailed article.


What campaign objectives on Snapchat Ads?

For your campaigns to be successful, you have to choose the right campaign objectives with the right formats.

Snapchat Ads provides several campaign objectives.


Notoriety objective

You aim to reach users who are not yet interested in your brand. The goal is to raise awareness of your brand, products or services to increase your reach.

For this campaign objective, the Snap Ads and Story Ads formats seem to be the most suitable.


Lead generation objective

The lead generation objective generates qualified leads.


Online sales goal

Snapchat Ads helps increase your online sales. With this objective, you can reach Internet users who are likely to buy your products.

For this campaign objective, the Collections Ads, Dynamics Ads and Story Ads formats are the most appropriate.


Purpose Application facilities

By using the app installs objective, you can increase the number of mobile app installs and reach new customers.


Targeting and audiences on Snapchat Ads

To succeed in your advertising campaigns on Snapchat ads , of course, you have to target the right audience.

Thanks to the advertising targeting of Snapchat , you can reach millions of users based on:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Location
  • Language
  • Demographics
  • Centers of interests
  • Buying behavior

You can also use Custom Audiences by importing your own customer databases. This will retarget people who have already interacted with your brand or services.

Importing your product catalog on Snapchat Ads is also essential for retargeting visitors who have viewed a product sheet or adding to cart on your site.

This retargeting is done through the conversion API and the Pixel Snapchat, which is particularly effective and ideal for creating audiences.

To obtain powerful results in retargeting, we advise you to use the Dynamics Ads format.

Learn more about Dynamics Ads .


How to choose your budget on Snapchat Ads?

How much does Snapchat Ads cost?

Concretely, you can launch advertisements on Snapchat from only 5€ per day.

However, with a low budget, it is difficult to obtain convincing results.

We therefore advise you not to go below the daily €50 per set of advertisements.

This will get ad sets out of the learning phase faster.

The goal is to reach 50 conversions as quickly as possible and thus be able to adapt your budget to your objectives.



Want to launch your brand on Snapchat Ads ?

The Neads team supports you in your strategy to boost your sales.

Contact us!


Sources: Snapchat , Hubsport , Oberlo , Digimind

Nathan Elmaleh
By Nathan Elmaleh Founder and CEO of Neads. I support brands in their development on TikTok thanks to a complete approach ranging from content creation to influence through advertising. If you want to make TikTok a successful acquisition channel for your brand, Neads is the TikTok agency No. 1 TikTok certified Creative Partner.