YouTube SEO: How to properly rank your videos ?

Nathan Elmaleh
Nathan Elmaleh
10 min

In the third quarter of 2023, videos reached a 92% audience worldwide (source: Statista ). With 90% of global internet traffic, the video format is therefore the most consumed, far ahead of other types of content such as articles, images or podcasts. Whether you are an advertiser, a brand, a B2 company or even a creator, investing in video and YouTube will help you develop your online visibility. However, this approach involves implementing an effective YouTube SEO strategy. But then, how to properly reference a YouTube video? Before answering this question, let’s discover together the highlights of this platform in 2024.


YouTube’s key figures

Nineteen years after its creation, YouTube has established itself as the undisputed leader in online entertainment, with nearly 2.5 billion monthly active users . In France, there are more than 52 million active users, or nearly 80% of the population. An Internet user spends an average of 46 minutes per day on the platform to watch videos. Each month, users devote around 13 hours of their time to it. More than a video hosting platform, YouTube is the second most used search engine after Google (source: Hubspot ). In France, 64 million people regularly connect to this social network to learn, get information, be entertained, interact with other users, etc. Recent statistics indicate that it receives an average of 890 million monthly visits , 70% of which use their mobile to watch videos. As for the distribution of viewers in France, 58.6% are men and 41.4% are women. Finally, 90% of YouTube users discover new brands on the platform.


What is YouTube SEO?

Unlike other networks like TikTok and Instagram offering unprecedented visibility opportunities, YouTube is a platform where organic reach is quite low. Succeeding on YouTube requires time, regularity and a lot of work. Building an engaged community on YouTube is a difficult task that is done over the long term. On YouTube, publishing a video is therefore not enough for it to be seen by the greatest number of people. The advertiser or brand must create content that meets the criteria of YouTube algorithms and in particular do YouTube SEO to maximize its chances of visibility. Also called Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO) , SEO on YouTube refers to all the techniques and practices used to boost the ranking of videos on the platform. It works the same way as other platforms such as with TikTok SEO . SEO on YouTube involves the optimization of several technical elements such as:

  • The content
  • Keywords
  • Metadata
  • Interaction with Internet users



Why is YouTube SEO so important for brands?

YouTube is a must-have platform for reaching a large audience and promoting content. Indeed, the vast majority of the world’s population uses YouTube on a daily basis. However, it is recommended to implement an effective YouTube SEO strategy to obtain convincing results. This allows you to attract more viewers to your videos and develop your notoriety, visibility and sales.

The Benefits of YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO is not a new discipline. In fact, it shares many common points with traditional SEO and aims for the same objectives.

Increase your brand visibility

VSEO helps increase the visibility of your YouTube channel and therefore of your products or services. By choosing relevant keywords and optimizing the metadata of your videos, you increase your chances of appearing in the best results on YouTube. Thanks to this marketing technique, your content is more likely to be discovered by an audience interested in your theme. It is a great way to increase the number of views, likes and shares for your videos.

Improve the positioning of content in Google SERPs

SEO YouTube TikTok

For the Google search “soft cookie recipe” YouTube and TikTok videos come in 4th position in the search results.

YouTube SEO can also improve your ranking in Google SERPs. Indeed, the Mountain View firm has been giving increasing importance to videos in recent years. The more videos are well referenced on YouTube, the more likely they are to appear in Google’s Top 5, this is also the case for TikTok videos. You will thus be able to reach a wider audience and generate qualified traffic to your YouTube channel or TikTok account.

How does the YouTube algorithm work?YouTube Home

YouTube  To gain visibility on YouTube, it is essential to master how its algorithm works. The platform is divided into several parts, including the home page, the “Explore” page, the “subscriptions” page and the “Shorts” tab. Each of these sections offers different content, based on different criteria:

  • User viewing habits
  • Current trends
  • Personalized suggestions
  • The vertical video feed

YouTube’s algorithm analyzes this information to recommend the most relevant videos to each viewer. It will then take into account the click-through rate on the video to determine its relevance and quality. Other indicators such as the user retention rate and the percentage of the video watched allow it to evaluate the performance and engagement of the video. As for the ranking of its results, YouTube bases itself on two key factors:

  • Video metadata: title, content, keywords
  • Visitor engagement rate: viewing time, number of likes and comments



Key steps for video SEO on YouTube

YouTube SEO involves implementing a number of strategies to achieve better rankings. Our YouTube Ads agency reveals the essential steps to optimize the natural referencing of your YouTube channel.

Keyword research

Keyword research is an essential step in SEO, whether it’s classic, local, or video SEO. The goal of the game is not to choose popular queries, but rather to target the community that corresponds to your activity. This involves identifying terms specific to your niche.

Low competition keywords + good search volume

Search SEO YouTube

To increase your chances of appearing in first position, prioritize less competitive keywords, but searched by your audience. Type the targeted keyword into Google and add: “site:youtube.*”. If the result is less than 10,000, you can get started. Otherwise, change the keyword. For example: “electric scooter repair site:youtube.*”. Here, the key expression is not very competitive with less than 6,000 videos on the subject.

SEO YouTube Search

The YouTube search bar is a powerful tool for discovering what viewers are searching for most. Type in a keyword to get YouTube’s automated search suggestions. These typically match current trends and popular topics on the platform, allowing you to create content that directly addresses your audience’s needs and interests.

Observe the competition

Another effective way to find the right keywords is to study what your competitors are doing. Simply analyze popular videos in your niche to understand what types of videos are performing well. This analysis allows you to discover new content ideas and spot untapped opportunities. It helps you adjust your YouTube SEO optimization strategy to better position yourself against the competition. You can also use other tools like Google Trend and Google Keywords for user search trends.


Title and metadata optimization

Take care of the video title

A key element of YouTube video SEO, the title (title tag) must be catchy and informative. As in classic SEO, you must integrate the main keyword you are targeting. Create a punchy title to increase your chances of appearing in search results and capturing the attention of viewers. Make sure it is clear, concise and attractive to encourage visitors to click and watch your video.

Write relevant subtitles

Captions have become a must-have on YouTube. In addition to improving the accessibility of your video, they optimize your SEO. Integrate relevant keywords into your captions to help YouTube’s algorithm understand the theme of your video. Make sure that the captions accurately reflect the content of the video and that they are well optimized for the targeted keywords.

Optimize the description

The description provides detailed information about the content of the video. Optimize your YouTube SEO by including the main keyword right from the beginning. Add a call-to-action button that invites viewers to interact with your YouTube channel, by subscribing or watching other videos. Don’t forget to insert links to interesting content, such as blog posts or other videos, to enrich the user experience.

Add tags

While their impact on SEO is often debated, tags remain an important element to consider in video SEO. Use them to add additional keywords that describe the content of your video and that might be used by Internet users during their searches. Tip : take the time to analyze the tags used by your competitors to find relevant inspirations and ideas.


User loyalty and engagement

To ensure the success of your YouTube channel, retaining and engaging your subscribers should not be neglected.

Create a good thumbnail

MR Beast YouTube

First impressions count on YouTube, and your video thumbnail is your visual calling card. An attractive and well-designed thumbnail can entice viewers to click and watch your content. Famous YouTuber MrBeast (the most followed YouTuber in the world) is an ace at thumbnail design. He constantly tests different variations to get the best CTRs possible. So, create eye-catching visuals, impactful text, and engaging visual elements to represent the content of your video. Use free tools like Canva to get impeccable results. Here are some rules to follow when rendering your image:

  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels
  • Weight :> 2MB
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: .jpg, .png


Integrate calls-to-action

At the end of your videos, don’t forget to actively encourage your viewers to engage further with your YouTube channel. Invite them to subscribe, like the video, leave a comment, or even share the content with others. Create compelling and original CTAs that really encourage your audience to take action, such as “like if you want part 2.”

Manage interactions

Subscriptions, likes, comments, these interactions, well managed, strengthen the loyalty of your audience and increase your visibility on YouTube. Take the time to respond to comments in an authentic and engaging way. Show your subscribers that they are important to you. Finally, encourage subscriptions by providing quality content and regularly offering high value-added videos.


Share the video

Promoting your videos on YouTube helps increase their visibility and reach a wider audience. The best thing to do to promote your videos is to share them on different platforms such as:

  • Your newsletters
  • Your website or blog
  • Social media: Facebook, Reddit…
  • In your professional and personal networks

To expand your audience and strengthen your online presence, don’t hesitate to collaborate with other content creators. Good to know: Consider combining your SEO strategy on YouTube with targeted advertising campaigns to maximize your reach. Different YouTube Ads formats are available to you: Masthead banner, in-Stream video ads, In-Feed, bumper and OutStream.


YouTube SEO: Monitoring and analysis of results

To properly reference your YouTube channel, you should not under any circumstances neglect monitoring and analysis of results.

Track video performance

YouTube Studio is a complete tool for video creators. The platform allows you to efficiently manage your YouTube channel and interact with your audience. You will find various detailed statistics on your videos such as:

  • The number of views
  • Viewing time
  • User engagement
  • The CTR (hence the importance of the thumbnail)

Analyzing this data allows you to identify high-performing videos and understand your subscribers’ preferences.

Adjust your SEO strategy

After analyzing the performance of your videos, take the time to adjust your digital strategy based on the results. To do this, apply the techniques that have proven to be effective and improve what doesn’t work. Adapt your next videos accordingly to maximize their visibility on YouTube.

Don’t ignore user feedback

User feedback is a valuable source of information to improve your YouTube SEO. Through comments and surveys, identify the requests and areas for improvement mentioned by your viewers. You now have all the basics to propel your videos to the top of YouTube SERPs. To go further, discover our comparative guide on TikTok vs YouTube .

Nathan Elmaleh
Par Nathan Elmaleh Fondateur et CEO de Neads. J’accompagne les marques dans leur développement sur TikTok grâce à une approche complète allant de la création de contenu à l’influence en passant par la publicité. Si vous voulez faire de TikTok un canal d’acquisition performant pour votre marque, Neads est l'agence TikTok N°1 certifiée TikTok Creative Partner.